Borrowing Photographs About me elsewhere Lovelies Goldberry Artisans

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A post which I cannot find a creative title for

I had fun putting the floral-y designs along the side. I love the vintage-y look of this photo! I also love my headband. :)

reading... "An Old Fashioned Girl" by Louisa May Alcott
listening... Knowing You'll Be There by The Gaither Vocal Band. Next up? Can you Feel the Love Tonight from The Lion King. :)
drinking... Half iced tea, half lemonade. Great stuff!
eating... saltines. Next up is Mac & Cheese.
anticipating... A road trip to Connecticut with my sister and mom.
loving... my little siblings.
looking... forward to a four day weekend next week.
inspired by... the yarn baskets sitting in my room.

{post idea from Katie}

Because...I don't really have a reason for this picture.

Isn't she just the cutest thing?

I am entering this photo in Kelsey's Photo Contest.

And now, to leave you with a quote from Emma:
"Whom are you going to dance with?" asked Mr, Knightley.
She [Emma] hesitated a moment, and then replied, "With you, if you will ask me."
"Will you?" said he, offering his hand.
"Indeed I will. You have shown that you can dance, and you know we are not really so much brother and sister as to make it at all improper."
"Brother and sister! no, indeed."

I don't really know why I like that quote, but I do.  Maybe because at that point Mr. Knightley loves Emma, but she doesn't realize that she loves him yet. :)

Do you have any favorite quotes from any books?

I hope you all have a good day!


  1. Lovely photos dear! The last picture is amazing. :)
    Thanks for linking up! Have a lovely day, xxxx~Kelsey

  2. Aw, thanks for borrowing the idea! :) I love "The Lion King"! It's probably my favorite Disney movie. <3
    Cute photos! I love the last two.


  3. Hey Emily! I love the new blog look! Lovely pictures (as usual). Favorite quotes?

    "What do you read, my lord?"

    Hamlet answers:: "Words, words, words!"

    {From Hamlet} I don't know why I like that quote- probably because Hamlet is not the sarcastic type but yet he ends up being sarcastic without meaning to :-) If that, of course, made sense?!

  4. Thank you, lovelies!
    Kelsey - thanks! I love the reflection.
    Katie - I love Disney soundtracks, and The Lion King has some great songs. :)
    Gabby - I enjoyed designing the new design. That's a great quote! Sometimes I don't know why I like quotes; I just do. I am saving that one. :)


Thank you for stopping by and brightening my day with a little bit of sunshine!