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Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday Favorites // 7

Another week over, another round up of what I've been loving recently.

1. Reading "Nerd Girl Problems" and "Book Confessions" pins on Pinterest. So many of them are so true and accurate, like this, and this, and this, and this.

2. The Sherlock Christmas special. So eerie but so good. Also the Doctor Who Christmas special. It broke my heart as always but I loved every minute.

3. I'm a big fan of nerdy knitting patterns and yarns, and I recently discovered this "Blue Box Exploding" yarn as well as this "221b Baker Street" yarn. I've decided that I need to save up for it. 

4. London Fog Tea Lattes. I recently discovered this recipe and I love it, since Earl Grey tea is my favorite kind of tea. I haven't made one with lavender yet, but I'm sure it's delicious.

5. And in case this post couldn't get any nerdier...what about this Doctor Who mug? Sadly, this shop is currently taking a break, but I can still look at it... And while we're on the subject, this shop has some perfect nerd mugs. This shop also has some great nerdy items.

6. This card would be perfect for any book lovers in your life, and if anyone you know needs some cheering up, this sweet "Courage, Deer Heart" card will do the trick.

7. My grandparents got a dog right before we visited them after Christmas, and she is so cute. She likes to growl while wagging her tail simultaneously, but we easily forgave that.

Are you a coffee or tea person?
What are your favorite nerdy products?

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