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Sunday, November 16, 2014

weekly wrap-up // playlist

reading: The Two Towers // What you need to know to love better // That we should be called "His!" // Take responsibility for your failed relationships //
watching: Arrow // Once upon a time // Tim Hawkins // Forrest Gump // Agents of Shield //
loving: early birthday cards // new yarn // ice cream // wool socks when the heater doesn't work // skype calls with family and friends // Delight and Be's new blog and wonderful posts //
sights: the first snow // the first snow melting // books, books, and more books for class, plus a lot of maps //
laughing at: the fire alarm going off when my roommate and I try to turn on the heat // fellow cafeteria workers climbing into dishroom sinks to clean walls // Tim Hawkins and Michael Jr. youtube videos //
accomplished: this week's required reading (I only managed to get it done by knitting while I read. Otherwise, I would have been so bored I couldn't make it through) // a lot of work on some custom orders //

What have you been doing this week?