I make to-do lists. Rather obsessively. I have a to-do list for my day on my dresser, a calender by my bed, a planner on my shelf by my bed with my books and Bible, an agenda book for schoolwork, not to mention my mental list. Sometimes I will plan out my day, including approximate times for everything. I have been known to add things to my to-do list after I have done them just to feel that I have accomplished something. I have so much that I need and want to get done.
The problem is, many of my plans fall through. My time gets sucked away into other activities. Lately, my big time waster has been the computer. I justify it by saying that it's okay because I was editing photos, getting inspired *cough*pinterest*cough* or any other number of excuses, but I need to stop that. I need to focus on getting all of my homework and other tasks done first. Because of this, I am going to be blogging less. I will attempt to keep up with my 365 Blog, but you will hopefully see me less around here. I also want to work on real blog posts, not just photos and meaningless words. I love blogging and you, my dear followers, are so sweet in your lovely comments, but I just need to get my focus right and my priorities in the right place.
Thanks so much for understanding!
p.s. there are going to be a few blog events going on and i would just like to share them with you: